- CD-Rom, web, radio, installation
- Cocreation with the author Michel Lefebvre
A scientific formula was stolen from Ricard Entreprises to liquidate the global debt! Thus begins the story of the photonovel LIQUIDATION, a multimedia work co-created with the author Michel Lefebvre. Our theme, which gives the title to the photonovel, takes a half-critical, half-amused look at our lives and our cities where we never stop liquidating what has been accumulated. With humor and poetry, we appropriate the popular genres of photo novels and comics using parody and genre scenes.
This photographic and literary fiction was developed for the multiple supports that are the CD-Rom, the Web, the radio, the book and the installation. We designed a script that includes over 1800 photos and 4 hours of dialogue and original music with some 25 performers and three groups of musicians.
A random photonovel on CD-ROM (2001)
PRoman, a software specifically developed for this fiction by Alain Bergeron, allows the random arrangement of fixed images, display effects, text and sound, according to a viewing duration chosen by the user. Although its interface also allows sequential viewing, LIQUIDATION on CD-ROM is above all presented as a film whose progress is renewed each time.
- Presentations
• Prix Mobiüs international des multimédias, Beijing (China), 2001
• Microwaves, Hong-Kong, 2001
• Territoires extrêmes de la poésie, Bibliothèque nationale du Québec, Montreal, 2001
• Videoformes, Clermont-Ferrand (France), 2001
• Canarias MediaFest, Gran Canaria (Spain), 2000 – Mention, CDROM category
• FILE (Electronic Language International Festival), Sao Paulo (Brasil), 2000
• Video Lisboa – Romerias, Lisbonne (Portugal), 2000
• Images du nouveau monde, Québec (Canada), 2000
• Festival international de la bande dessinée, Angoulême (France), 2000
• Canadian Currents, Toronto Goethe Institute, Toronto (Canada), 1999
• IIIe États généraux de l’écriture interactive, Forum des images, Paris (France), 1999
• Festival du nouveau cinéma et des nouveaux médias de Montréal (FCMM), 1999
- Awards
• Möbius Québec-Canada Award, Fiction category, 2000
• Telefilm Canada Award, Best Canadian Work, New Media, FCMM, 1999
- Public collections
• Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art and Science, Montreal
• Laboratory of new narrativities and new textualities (NT2) – UQAM, Montreal
• National Library and Archives of Quebec
Liquidation, une fiction web-audio (1998)
This web-radio fiction was broadcast simultaneously on the Internet and by the cultural channel FM of Radio-Canada, on Fridays January 16, 23 and 30, 1998, on the program “Les décrocheurs d’étoiles”. For the three broadcast evenings, three events were organized with the participation of the musicians who composed the soundtrack of LIQUIDATION: Papa Boa, Mruta Mertsi and Martin Tétreault.
- Presentations
• International Internet Film Festival, Lille (France), 2000
• European Media Art Festival (EMAF99), Onasbruck (Germany), 1999
• Montreal Biennale, CIAC, 1998
• Radio broadcast on the Cultural Channel of Radio-Canada FM, January 1998
• Screenings-events: Cinémathèque québécoise, Building Danse, Electronic Café, 1998
Genesis and culmination of a liquidation (1998)
On May 1, 2 and 3, 1998, we occupied the art centre SKOL to present the prototype of the CD-ROM and the photonovel stages of creation. On this occasion SKOL was the scene of a world first: the printing of 100 poetry books by Professor Morgane on rock fiber paper! A recent discovery from Alexandria Papers.
In 2018, we celebrated 20 years of LIQUIDATION with a tribute screening at TOPO art centre. The name of the centre that we co-founded comes from the detective agency, the TOPO agency, protagonist of our photonovel.
- Press
- AMYOT, Marie-Andrée. (1998). “Fiction nouveau genre sur le web”, La Presse, Montreal, 09-01-98
- ARSENAULT, Michel (1998). “www.radio-canada.com/radio/liquidation”, Le Monde, Paris, 24-01-98
- CAUCHON, Paul. (1998). “Liquidation en trois actes”, Le Devoir, Montreal, 09-01-98
- CHAGNON, Johanne. (2000). “En réseau et hors commerce”, ESSE, no. 39, Montreal,
- CÔTÉ, Philippe (1998). “Liquidation”, exhibition booklet, SKOL , Montreal
- FORTIN, Fred. (1998). “Liquidation : Être ou ne pas être hypertextuel”, TPCMag, Montreal
- LENOBLE, Michel. (1995). “Pour une littérature des arts électroniques”. Esthétique des arts médiatiques, volume II, PUQ
- PARENT, Sylvie. (1998). “Liquidation”, CIAC electronic magazine, 6e ed.
- RAVET, Jean-Claude (2001). “Liquidation, photoroman aléatoire”, RELATIONS mag., no. 673, pp. 38-39, Montreal
- RAYNAUD, Isabelle. (2005). “Click Reading : Screenwriting and Screen-reading practices in film and multimedia fictions”, Hand Book of Computer Games Studies, Cambridge, MIT Press
- ROBERT, Peter. (1999). “Présentation du cédérom Liquidation : un photoroman nouveau genre”, Archée, electronic magazine